
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


At Oasis Academy John Williams our commitment to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural [SMSC] development of young people can be seen as a consequence of the seriousness with which we pursue our ethos. These values attest our commitment to the promotion of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope and perseverance. They reflect our desire to equip young people with the skills and character to realise 100% of their personal best, both academically and personally, in order that they leave us as informed global citizens, committed to making a positive difference in their own lives and those of their communities. The result of this is that opportunities for the intentional development and practice of SMSC and British Values are woven into to the fabric of life at Oasis Academy John Williams. The detail below provides some examples of this:

Spiritual Development: [reflection, imagination, creativity, fascination about ourselves and the world].

  • Regular opportunities for reflection through assembly programme, non-denominational acts of collective worship and weekly thought for the week tutorial.
  • Rich curriculum provision for performing and expressive arts, including extra-curricular opportunities.
  • An approach to teaching, learning and assessment which seeks to harness and propagate curiosity as an acknowledged strength for students and staff.

Moral Development: [interest in ethical issues, respect for law, understanding of consequences, appreciation of a range of viewpoints].

  • Robust, transparent and effective reward and sanction system, which reinforces positive behaviour and challenges that which doesn't live up to expectation. Our systems are designed to empower young people to take responsibility for their actions and we are restorative in our approach to conflict resolution.
  • Curriculum time through subject areas [notably Religious Studies] and our pastoral programme, including collapse timetable events for each year group.

Social Development: [social skills, mix with people from different backgrounds, acceptance and engagement with democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect].

  • Engagement with national and global events through pastoral programme, which includes assemblies and weekly news and current affairs quiz.
  • Promotion of a wide range of extra-curriculum opportunities to broaden horizons, such as work with organisations including Debate Mate, Integrate Bristol and South Bristol Youth; as well as through sport, performing arts and enrichment [from theatre in Bristol, to dance in New York].
  • Supporting student social action through engagement with volunteering opportunities through our Hub, as well as the promotion of students assuming responsibility through the election of student leaders.

Cultural Development: [awareness of history, heritage and culture, understanding of diversity – ethnic, religious, socio-economic; local, national and global].

  • Curriculum time through subject areas [notably History and Religious Studies] and our pastoral programme, including collapse timetable events for each year group.
  • Promotion of a wide range of extra-curriculum opportunities to broaden horizons, such as work with organisations such as Debate Mate, Integrate Bristol and South Bristol Youth; as well as through sport, performing arts and enrichment [from theatre in Bristol, to dance in New York].
  • A careers education information, advice and guidance programme which has received Chartermark status and seeks to extend aspiration to opportunities beyond Bristol.