
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


Volunteering is a hugely valued area of the work of Oasis and of our Hub; without our volunteers we would not be able to run the huge menu of activities that we currently provide for the local area. We are always looking for additional volunteers and this is one of our priorities this year within our hub to grow this workforce to bring even more capacity to our vision of transformation here in South Bristol.

Our volunteers currently work in a number of roles within our hub such as community support, reading in school, working at our coffee shops, supporting our half term and summer provision and many other roles. We take the appointment of volunteers seriously and will provide all the necessary child protection checks, whilst also providing support and training in the roles in which they fulfil within the Oasis Hub South Bristol.

Some of the work that our volunteers have completed can boost CV’s and offer them the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in community work, schools work and customer service which has helped them gain employment or access into further training / education.

If volunteering in a busy, friendly and challenging environment; that is making great headways in the transformation of how we do community in South Bristol seems appealing to you please get in contact for more details.