
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

PE Kit

We are unapologetic about our high standards from which we do not deviate. 

Students are expected to change into PE kit for every PE lesson even if they have an injury or illness.

PE kit is checked each lesson and where students do not meet the required standards, parents/carers will be expected to support the Academy by ensuring their child is wearing the correct kit.

For PE and Dance lessons (Year 7-Year 11) students require:

  • A Purple OAJW sports t-shirt.

  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms, skorts or shorts. Leggings can be worn for PE but MUST be OAJW branded if worn (no other leggings will be acceptable). Cycling shorts are NOT allowed.

    Only leggings with OAJW branding accepted.
  • Jumpers are not compulsory for PE. However, if your son/daughter would like to wear a jumper, it must be the OAJW quarter zip jumper.

  • Coats are not compulsory for PE. However, if your son/daughter would like to wear a coat, it must be a plain black coat, suitable for sport. Large logos and fur hoods are not acceptable, along with coats of any other colour.

Footwear in PE

  • Trainers:

    Sports trainers will be used on the outdoor courts and in all indoor spaces. All styles of running trainers and multi-purpose trainers with cushioned soles and laces are appropriate for PE lessons.

    Any canvas trainers/pumps/daps with a flat sole are not appropriate as they do not provide cushioning, ankle support or enough grip.

  • Moulded studs:

    We are proud of our facilities and in order to maintain the highest possible condition of the 3G artificial pitch and ensure that OAJW students have the best experience, we insist that students wear the correct footwear. Students will only be able to wear football boots with moulded and/or plastic studs on the 3G pitch.

    No metal studs, blades, dimpled trainers or any flat soled shoes are allowed on the 3G pitch. All students in Years 7-10 will require football boots for curricular activities this academic year. Year 11 students using the astro for curricular or extra-curricular activities will also be expected to have the appropriate footwear.

    Moulded studs are compulsory; however, we will notify you when your son/daughter requires them for an activity. A two-week period will be allowed for you to purchase moulded studs.


Other Information

Gumshields and shin pads: Students will complete a range of activities over the academic year. For activities such as hockey and rugby, we strongly advise that students wear a gum shield. In activities such as football and hockey, we strongly advise that students wear shin pads.

Injury/illness: If students are ill/injured and unable to participate fully in PE, they should bring a note from home and get changed into their kit. In these instances, students will still be expected to engage with their learning and will be given an alternative role such as official/coach. The only exceptions to this are when students are physically unable to get changed due to an injury such as a broken arm. If students have long term injuries/illnesses that mean they cannot participate in PE, a doctor’s note is required.

Forgotten kit: If students forget an item of kit, they will be asked to borrow school kit. Instances of forgotten kit are tracked carefully by the PE department and sanctions for forgetting kit will be enforced where necessary.

Other circumstances: If there are any other circumstances that mean students do not have the correct kit, e.g.: it has been lost, students should bring a suitable alternative and a note from home. If a suitable alternative is not available, students will be asked to borrow school kit.

Jewellery and hair: For safety reasons, all jewellery should be removed for PE and long hair should be tied up. If students are unable to remove jewellery, due to having a new piercing, they will be able to tape it for up to 6 weeks (logged by their PE teacher). Once the six-week healing period is over, pupils will then be expected to remove the piercing for lessons.  The PE department do not provide tape and students must bring their own. During the six-week healing time, students who are taping piercings will be fully involved in lessons, however, they will have to take on a coaching/official role during game situations or adapted games where possible. Failure to remove jewellery or tie up hair for PE will result in the use of sanctions where necessary.


Other circumstances: For safety reasons, students cannot participate in PE if they have artificial nails. They are not allowed as part of the academy policy and pose a risk to other students when playing and performing in sport. Students will still be expected to change for PE and will be provided with a coaching role. Sanctions will be logged where necessary.