
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


At Oasis Academy John Williams we take bullying very seriously and make every effort to respond in the most efficient and effective manner.

Through our Learning Mentor programme we regularly re-visit the importance of recognising, reporting and resolving incidents of bullying and work alongside external partners to create a culture of safety and healthy, open relationships.

Students should refer to their Learning Mentor in the first instance in they are concerned about bullying.  360o Year Team Managers are also available throughout the day, including before school, break and lunch time and during Period 6 sessions in the Student Services base.

Alternatively, bullying can be reported using our - this facility allows students to report bullying without having to worry about repercussions. Those who report the incidents will be guaranteed anonymity

Further advice, guidance and support is available at: - 0800 1111