
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Parents' Forum

Our Parent Forum is hosted termly by members of the Senior Leadership Team with the purpose of sharing updates and giving parents and carers an opportunity to share feedback face to face, in an informal setting.

We hope through these meetings we are able to ascertain issues within the community, within the school and personal barriers to either learning or accessing facilities that are needed, and would benefit either the school or the local communities.

We will seek to resolve any of these issues where we can and will strive to provide additional services to combat these recommendations if and when they arise; obviously we are not able to solve every issue, but we will attempt to do all we can as an academy, signposting to relevant community partners when needed. 

Parent Forum Dates 2024/2025

  1.  Thursday 14 November 2024, 5-6pm
  2.  Wednesday 5 March 2025, 5-6pm
  3.  Wednesday 18 June 2025, 5-6pm